Good Shepherd Theological Archives
Church Services: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church worship service audio recordings since 2017
Proclaiming the One: A study of the texts of the one-year lectionary every week with Pastors Poppe, Moline, & the vicar.
At Home in Your Hymnal: Pastors Poppe and Moline dive in deeper to the meaning of all parts of The Lutheran Service Book.
Bringing Bach Back: Pastor Moline examines the theology and use of Bach’s Cantatas matching with the weeks of the church year.
Nebraska Table Talk: Pastors Brent Kuhlman, Poppe, & Moline discuss various theological issues for the local Nebraska area.
The Y-Files: Laymen ask Pastors and other church workers frequently asked questions.
(Sermon audio recordings can be found in the Online Worship Services & Resources, under the “CHURCH” heading of our website)