VOTING AS A CHRISTIAN by Pastor Adam Moline

Election season is upon us, and there are some things to think about from a Christian perspective that will be coming up in this election.  In particular, we will be voting on some ballot initiatives that Scriptural Christian morality speaks directly to. 

First, I’d like to talk about the two initiatives dealing with abortion issues.  Initiative 434 seeks to enshrine the current Nebraska abortion law in the Nebraska State Constitution.  Perhaps you remember May of 2023 when the Legislature passed LB574, the Preborn Child Protection Act.  This law, still the Nebraska State Law, states that it is illegal to abort a baby “if the probable gestational age of the preborn child has been determined to be twelve or more weeks” with several provisos also protecting the mother.  While this sadly still allows some abortions, this law drastically limits the number of them carried out in Nebraska.  Initiative 434 enshrines this language in the State Constitution, making it more difficult to remove or modify.  I believe that it is best for Christians to vote “YES” for this initiative. 

The second initiative dealing with abortion issues is Initiative 439.  This initiative seeks to replace the “Preborn Child Protection Act” with a constitution change that allows for abortion until “fetal viability” or at any time during gestation if a doctor deems it “necessary.”  This would allow abortions up until a baby could live outside the womb.  Generally speaking, that would mean abortion would be allowed until at least 23-24 weeks gestation.  I believe that it is best for Christians to vote “NO” on this initiative. 

It is important to vote on both of these initiatives, not just for one.  By voting “yes” on 434, you maintain limits on abortions in Nebraska.  By voting “no” on 439, you help to prevent additional abortions in Nebraska.  Please consider voting on both initiatives. If you have questions, please ask the pastors.

Next, it is important to also consider two initiatives dealing with marijuana.  I believe a Christian should vote “NO” on both Initiative 437 and 438.  Christians do not support activities that cause the confusion of the mind.  Scripture is clear that drunkenness and use of substances that cloud the mind are not good for the Christian.  The issue is that clouding the mind can potentially cloud one’s faith in Christ.  For that reason, I believe it is important to vote “NO” for legalizing marijuana and vote “NO” for repealing the penalties for manufacturing and distribution of marijuana. 

Obviously, you need to think about these particular initiatives on your own and do your own research.  Don’t vote the way listed above merely because I said to.  That said, it is important to support Christian morals and ideas in society. 

As for candidates, I’d invite you to listen to our “Building the Faith in the Home” presentation from September 29, entitled “The Two Swords.”  It is available under the “Live” tab on our church YouTube page or in audio format on my sermon podcast.  In summary, as Christians, we remember that God is truly the ruler of this world and that He appoints the rising and falling of nations and leaders.  That grants us great freedom in voting for the candidates that we think will do best for our people. After all, God is the one appointing their rule.  I encourage you to do just that: vote for the candidates you believe will best fulfill their vocations and serve God’s people according to God’s will.  Vote for the candidates who will allow you to practice your Christian faith without obstruction.

Even more important than voting for the “right” candidate is repenting of our own sins—particularly the sins of putting more faith in the civil government than in God and of worshipping and listening to our elected officials instead of God.  Repent as you imagine the effect on your life if you spent the time in God’s Word that you spend watching cable news. Repent and put yourself into the hands of the Lord, trusting that He will “richly and daily provide” for you and your family in this world and that He is working all things for His own glory.

I’ll leave you with the words from Psalm 118:8-9.  “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.”  God bless you as you trust in the Lord above all things, even as you carry out your civic duties this election day.  He will take care of you no matter the results; He has promised it. 


Join us on Sunday, October 27 at noon in the fellowship hall for a Reformation Celebration with brats, trivia, and the annual kids coloring contest. The elders will serve brats and hot dogs. Please bring any side dish of your choice or a dessert. A free-will donation will be taken towards the church’s General Fund.

The OWLS fun and fellowship group will meet on Friday, November 1st at 2 pm in the fellowship hall. You may bring a snack to share, your favorite board game, and a beverage for yourself. Games that have been a part of this event in the past are: Mexican Train, Pitch, Hand and Foot (similar to Canasta), and Marbles and Jokers (similar to Sorry). It’s a great time to get to know other Good Shepherd members and lots of fun!

Take a moment to recognize our faithful pastors, Pastor Moline and Pastor Goodroad, for the ways in which they serve our congregation, pray for us, bring us God’s Word, and administer the Sacraments every week. Consider dropping a note of thanks, expressing your gratitude to them personally, and praying for them.

Our brand new picture directories have arrived! If you have not signed up and received your directory, please sign up on Sunday, Oct. 27th or contact the church office.

The next family board game day will be on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at 2 pm. Bring a board game, a snack or drink if you would like, and enjoy some fellowship time playing board games with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Good Shepherd’s Lutheran Women in Missions group has chosen a project for this fall. We would like to present to the seminary students who have previously worshipped at Good Shepherd  and are currently students at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne with a VISA gift card. Please donate any amount of your choosing toward the purchase of these gift cards. There are donation envelopes available in the narthex. Please make checks payable to LWIM. We would like these donations by November 11th so that we can purchase the gift cards.

The next opportunity for youth Bible study will be on Sunday, Nov. 3rd following the 10:30 worship service. The study will be covering the book of Joel.

It’s that time of year again! We will be collecting snack items and money for the College Treat Bags to support our college students as they prepare for the last weeks of the semester. If you would like to donate, please place snacks, fun pens/sticky notes, gum, or other fun treats on the table in the narthex of church. We are aiming to make 30 bags. If you would like to donate money, please see the News & Notes for further details. All donations must be at church by Wednesday, November 6th. Treat bags will be assembled on Saturday morning, November 9th and handed out on Sunday, November 10th. Thank you!

We look forward again to hosting our pre-Thanksgiving celebration at Good Shepherd for members aged 75+ and shut-in members on Thursday, November 21 with the meal at noon and Divine Service immediately following. We need help to make this happen! From donating ingredients and pies, to prepping and serving the food, to setting up and decorating, to picking up or arranging for transportation — please consider volunteering! All the sign-up sheets are in the narthex.