THE BAPTISM OF JESUS by Rev. John Schmidt
“Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. But John tried to prevent Him, saying, ‘I have need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Permit it to be so now, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.’” Matthew 3:13-15
John the Baptizer is asking questions that we might well ask: “Why should Jesus be baptized if He is God’s Son? What sin does He have to confess? Should not I be baptized by Him?”
John the Baptizer was the summation of all the Old Testament prophets and the appointed forerunner who would precede the Messiah (Mal. 3:1; Lk. 1:76-79). He strongly preached God’s Word to prepare the people for “the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Mal. 4:5) by calling them to true repentance. He knew that the Messiah would be true God and without sin, yet here came Jesus, asking to be baptized. No, Jesus had not committed any sin, but Jesus wanted John and us to realize how much He, Jesus, identifies with us.
Jesus submitted to Baptism so that His human nature would be blessed with the Holy Spirit as no man had been since Adam. The first man, Adam, through his sinful rebellion, had lost the Spirit of God, and with Him went our fellowship and our participation in eternal life. Adam plunged us all into sin and death.
God’s Son was born in our flesh so that He might restore us to the original beauty that God had established at His first creation. He, Jesus, is the heavenly Man who has come to redeem the earthly man (Adam and all his children: I Cor. 15:47). Adam’s rebellion brought death; Jesus’ submission and service brought the Holy Spirit and life (Rom. 5:17-19; 8:23).
The Church father Cyril said, “The connecting link in our union with God is Christ. He is united to us as man and to God the Father as God by nature.” He also wrote elsewhere, “Human nature was created in the beginning that it might be a partaker of the Spirit and exist in the image of God. But through sin, the Spirit was lost. Therefore, God in His desire to restore us willed that Christ in a special way should establish a second beginning for the race.”
Through His Baptism, our Lord Jesus fully received the Holy Spirit as the perfect Man appointed by God to serve Him (Ps. 45:7; Mt. 3:17). At the same time, He, in effect, puts His gifts of righteousness and the Holy Spirit into Christian Baptism so that we might receive them.
By means of the Holy Spirit, our fellowship with God is restored, and we have eternal life with God. This is true because we are being baptized into the eternal Son of God, Jesus the Messiah (the Christ, the Anointed One) in whom is life.
The Amazing Soup Cook-Off Contest
Come join us for the Amazing Soup Cook-Off Contest, which will be held at noon on Sunday, January 19th at Good Shepherd in the fellowship hall. Sign up to make your special soup recipe and compete for the prized “Golden Ladle” trophy. The congregation (and college students) are invited to attend and rank the soups in order of their favorites. A free-will offering will be taken for the General Fund. A sign-up sheet and contest rules are in the narthex. Please sign up by January 15th. A sign-up sheet for donations of cinnamon rolls, cookies, and dessert bars is also in the narthex. Mark your calendars for this opportunity to warm up in the cold month of January, sample some great soups, and have a fun time with good fellowship.
Building Faith in the Home
Come join us for Building Faith in the Home class on Sunday, January 26th following the second worship service. We will have pizza for lunch in the fellowship hall before the class on Technology begins. The church will be covering the pizza cost for members. Please bring a side or dessert to share. The children will be able to participate in board games in the classrooms again while the parents meet with Pastor in the fellowship hall for the class after lunch. If you are a non-member, please contact the church office with a family head-count and names and ages of children attending by Thursday, January 16, and please bring $5/person to cover costs.
The congregation is invited to volunteer or attend the Pancakes for PCAN benefit on Tuesday, February 4 from 4:00 -7:00 pm here at Good Shepherd. The free-will offering will benefit Lincoln area families experiencing pediatric cancer. This will be the 11th year Good Shepherd Church and School will partner with PCAN (Pediatric Cancer Action Network) in this community outreach fundraiser to reduce the financial burden on families with diagnoses of pediatric cancer and to advocate for a cure through awareness, action, and education. Last year, we were able to raise over $5,000 to help local families with essential needs! Many volunteers are needed to help with 1 hour shifts. Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. Help is needed on Sunday the 2nd , and at various times on Monday the 3rd. THANK YOU! In case of inclement weather, February 11 is scheduled as a “snow date.”
Book Cart Update
The Theological Library book cart has been updated with books that discuss devotions and prayer life. Please feel free to check them out! If you have any questions or still need a library card, stop into the church office.