Good Shepherd Lutheran Mask Policy
Our pastors and elders have been constantly monitoring the Directed Health Measures that have been issued from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. All practices and procedures at Good Shepherd fall well within the Health Department rules without requiring masks. Masks are encouraged but not required; let your conscience be your guide. Masks are available at the sign-in table and hand sanitizer is available there and several other places throughout the church.
Please be respectful of others and follow common sense social distancing and communicate with others regarding your personal comfort level. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. We are working hard to ease back to normal, as the DHMs allow. As of March 14, hymnals have returned to the pews, tape has been removed, extra sanitation during distribution has ended.
We are thankful that we have had over 130 Divine Services since corporate worship resumed last May with no health issues or concerns. To encourage people to return to corporate worship, Saturday, March 27 has been designated as a “mask only” service. This will be full Divine Service and begin at 5pm.
Sunday Bible Study for families in the Fellowship Hall will continue until further notice. Tables have been spaced out and overflow seating is available in Room 109.