Biblical History with Pastor Moline

In 586 BC, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem for the last time, burning down the temple built by Solomon and sending the Judahites into exile for 70 years. But wait, how do we know that took place in 586 BC? In fact, how do we know when any of the events of the Old Testament happened? After all, looking back through 3000 years of history seems to leave a high chance for error.
During excavations in 1849 at the city of Nineveh in Iraq (today Mosul), archaeologists discovered a series of tablets which recorded the history of ancient Assyria. In fact, what was found was the library of Ashurbanipal, who ruled in the mid-600s BC. Over 30,000 clay tablets written in cuneiform writing were discovered and sent to the British Museum in London. Over the subsequent years, the tablets were translated. They contained various writings including what is known today as the Eponym Tablets.
The Assyrian kingdom existed from c. 2020 BC to 609 BC and the list of these eponym years covers a large portion of this time frame. As a result, it is an effective way of keeping track the order of historic events. But unless that timeline is anchored into actual historical dates, it doesn’t help us with Biblical history.
But what sort of events could possibly help define the time references of a kingdom that was destroyed 2500 years ago? We just experienced such an event here in the United States this past spring. A solar eclipse.
The Eponym Tablets were an ancient method of keeping track of history. Every year was given a different title based upon the names of certain government officials. Next to the name a basic history of what occurred that year was written. A modern example: maybe the official picked was former Mayor Mike Johanns. His name would be given to title the year and the events of the year listed. “Johanns, Football National Champions, October Snowstorm, Halloween Cancelled.” That eponym would tell us the year was 1997.

On June 15, 763 BC, there was a total solar
eclipse recorded which matches the ancient records in the Eponym Tablets of Assyria. (In fact, it is also
mentioned in the book of Amos written about the same time, and perhaps is related to the preaching of the prophet Jonah.) This eclipse is the only solar eclipse visible from Nineveh during the corresponding time frame. As such, it provides an anchor for the timeline of events in the Eponym Tablets.
How does this affect Biblical history? Assyrian and Israelite history overlap many times. Battles
were fought between Judah and Assyrians at the time of Tiglath-Pileser and Sennacherib for example. (2
Kings 15, Isaiah 36) When we anchor Assyrian events, we can transcribe that time to specific events in
Biblical history. We can use the overlaps with Biblical history to put dates on the events of the Bible. As
we do so, we find that the dates actually match up wonderfully well. The Bible turns out to be an accurate recorder of history in ancient Palestine. Based on this solar eclipse data, we can calculate the dates
of Abraham, the Exodus, King David, the building of the temple, and even the siege of Jerusalem in 586
For much, much more info, read Edwin Theile’s The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings
One of the most popular programs on KNNA-LP 95.7 The Cross is The Word of the Lord Endures Forever. Pastor Will Weedon takes us verse by verse, in rapid speed and style, through the Bible. His knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the Ancient Church Fathers shines through in this daily Bible study. Hear him at 10 am weekdays and other times throughout the week. If you are not able to receive KNNA on your radio, you can listen via the internet at Thanks for listening!
In one of our previous newsletters, you read about the ballot initiative being promoted by a group of abortion advocates. Recently a counter initiative was unveiled that proposes to protect the lives of babies in the womb in the second and third trimesters, as well as the mothers who carry them. Both sides are currently collecting signatures to put their proposed constitutional amendments on the November ballot.
IF enough signatures are collected, they will be assigned amendment numbers later this year.
Those supporting the pro-abortion initiative will use language that sounds like they are fighting for a woman’s right to receive healthcare and for bodily autonomy.
However, the baby in the womb is not a body part of the woman but a separate human being with completely distinct DNA from the moment of fertilization; it only needs time, nutrients and a safe environment in which to grow and develop — the same as the infant, toddler and grade school child. They will use scare tactics and misleading statements about the dangers women face because their doctors will be prevented from providing care for situations like miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. This simply isn’t true. Abortion is not healthcare.
The pro-life ballot initiative attempts to provide true healthcare to both patients — mother and child. Rather than taking away “rights” of women, we work toward supporting them in numerous ways including referrals to pregnancy help centers.
The “Protect Women and Children” initiative says, “Except when a woman seeks an abortion necessitated by a medical emergency or when the pregnancy results from sexual assault or incest, unborn children shall be protected from abortion in the second and third trimester.” Nebraska Right to Life supports this incremental step toward its goal of protecting all life from conception to natural death.
STEWARDSHIP MOMENT— Luke 15:5 “And when he has found [the sheep], he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing.” The Lord Jesus came to seek and save what was lost. He came to put us back in the family of the Father, to restore us to the kingdom of God. We are now new creatures in Christ Jesus. When we were claimed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we receive new desires, new priorities and a new zeal for the things of God. We have been found — let our lives reflect this fact!
God made me just as I am, and He also made you just as you are. We all serve the Lord together, yet ever so slightly differently because that’s who we are. We hope you will find your own ways to support the sanctity of human life.
Register online to be a donor on Friday, June 21st. The blood draw will be at Good Shepherd in the fellowship hall from 8 am — 2 pm. Schedule your appt. to donate at and enter Good Shepherd Lutheran.
Our project for the month of June will be to collect funds to purchase materials and food for Vacation Bible School in Venezuela. The children will be provided with materials to learn about Jesus and food to nourish their bodies. For more information, talk with Ramon Marcano. It is hard for us living in American to imagine how difficult life can be in some other countries. Please pray about this opportunity to share what we have with others who are not so fortunate and to teach them about a God who loves them.